Hawaii Five-0 Ill Kill Em Again


"Book 'em, Danno. Murder 1."

Steve McGarrett

Hawaii 5-O is a detective prove set in Hawai'i, centered on the fictitious "5-O" elite state police unit (a reference to Hawaii'southward condition equally the 50th state admitted to the United States) led by former Navy officeholder Steve McGarrett, as played by Jack Lord.

Running from 1968 to 1980, this show is synonymous with Hawaii, and its iconic theme song (which became a hit unmarried for The Ventures) is regularly played past the University of Hawaii marching band at dwelling house games for Hawaii sports teams. Appropriately, the overwhelming majority of the show was shot on location in Hawaii, simply occasionally using studios in Los Angeles or other locations as called by episode plots. The show is currently bachelor via various broadcast stations on syndication, on DVD, or streaming from CBS' website note only if you lot're in the United states, nevertheless . As a testament to the bear witness'south influence, "Five-O" is still a widely used slang term for "police".

A pilot for a prospective revival series (produced by Stephen J. Cannell and starring Gary Busey, with James MacArthur's Danny appearing as the new Governor) was produced in 1997 simply never aired. A completely re-imagined series, titled Hawaii V-0 (with a zip, non an "O"), ran for a decade, 2010-20.

"Danno, I want the volume on these Tropes..."

  • Absentee Actor: James MacArthur, Zulu and Kam Fong are all absent-minded from "Once Upon A Fourth dimension, Part Two" (which is set entirely on the mainland); the latter 2 are as well missing from "The 90-Second War, Part Ii" and Zulu is further gone from "Good Night, Babe, Time To Die!" Jack Lord did not miss a unmarried episode in the entire run.
  • Affably Evil: Wo Fat, and to a bottom extent—in that he'due south more affable than evil—Lewis Avery Filer. The one-time moved to Faux Affably Evil from the season nine premiere onward.
  • Accent upon the Wrong SylLABle: A trait of Jack Lord. Witness his saying "PRO-tectors" when saying protectors or "KAY-sette" when saying "cassette."
  • And Starring:
    • Everyone other than Jack Lord. Seriously. The opening credits for the first few seasons: "Starring Jack Lord" (from season six onwards he had this billing on the end credits as well) "With James MacArthur as Dan Williams; Zulu as Kono; Kam Fong as Mentum Ho." This was maintained, with adjustments for cast changes, for the entire run.
    • Similarly, Kelly Bishop gets "And Introducing" credit on "Oldest Profession - Latest Price". Donna Mills gets an "And" credit on "Murder - Optics Merely," as does Juliet Mills note no relation on "Termination With Extreme Prejudice.", ditto, Jo Ann Harris on "And the Horse Jumped Over the Moon."
  • And This Is for...: "Bomb, Bomb, Who's Got the Bomb?", "The Bells Price At Noon." Among others.
  • Artifact Championship: "The Flip Side Is Expiry," the plot involves eight-tracks, non 50 Ps.
  • Artistic License – Biology: "A Bullet for El Diablo" has a dictator'southward girl substituted by her twin one-half-sis. Even Stephen Hawking couldn't calculate the odds on that.
  • Asshole Victim:
    • Lester Cronin in "Paniolo". He's a crooked real estate programmer that V-O has been trying to bosom. He pays a visit to a native Hawaiian and shows him that he at present owns the deed to the native man's property. The native human being (played past Frank Silvera) gives him a hard shove and walks away, not noticing that Cronyn has succumbed to Death by Falling Over... he fell backward and struck his caput on a tree stump.
    • Also, information technology is doubtful anyone was sorry when Travis Marshall was bumped off in "Honor Is an Unmarked Grave".
  • The Bad Guy Wins: A few times, just probably the most galling was in "The Jinn Who Clears The Style". McGarrett has Wo Fat dead to rights for murder, grand theft and espionage, just for Jonathan Kaye from the Land Department to testify up and tell McGarrett he's here to take custody of Wo Fatty, driblet all the charges, and accept him to the airport for a flying back to Hong Kong. A livid McGarrett asks why, and Kaye says the feds are using Wo Fat for a Prisoner Substitution with the Chinese to get back a U-2 airplane pilot who was shot down in Mainland china 3 years earlier and held ever since.
  • Boxing Bolas: In "Though the Heavens Fall", a vigilante group employ bolas to capture the criminals.
  • Belly Dancer: Whenever a hula dancer appears, although this is usually limited to the opening credits.
  • Better to Dice than Be Killed: "East Wind, Ill Wind."
  • Big "NO!": Toni lets out quite a big one in "Thanks The Honeymoon" when she discovers a mobster's try to impale her and new husband so she tin can't show against him merely partially successful.
  • Large, Screwed-Upwardly Family: "One Large Happy Family". The girl is the most sensitive and the but real innocent (she only steals a telephone book encompass, while the others become for money) whereas the father and son are murderers, the girl-in-police is a Ms. Fanservice who's used to watch for targets, and the mother (and leader) is a heartless racist who in the denouement says they only kill people who aren't family... and only rob the people they kill because their victims won't exist using the money. Writer Alvin Sapinsley based this on a existent family, yet!
  • Bloodshot Ending: "Three Dead Cows at Makapuu, Part Ii" has a scientist aiming to release some shortlived simply very deadly leaner to protest chemic warfare beingness persuaded (partly due to a telephone operator who falls in love with him) not to do so, but the vial he stole is taken... and cracked. He manages to control the spread of the germ, and the vial is incinerated along with the shack where information technology was kept, but he himself is infected and succumbs as McGarrett and the woman he loves lookout.
  • Bookends: "Up Tight" starts with Danny trying to continue a young woman high on LSD from jumping off a cliff, and ends with McGarrett trying to keep the professor who turned her onto drugs from jumping off the same cliff. The adult female jumps, but the man is rescued and arrested.
  • The Battle Episode:
    • "Nine, Ten, You're Dead" finds the Five-O team searching for an crumbling boxer who took a wrench and smashed the hand of a Syndicate-owned fighter, in order to prevent him from becoming brain-damaged like he is. Naturally, the mob is also looking for him—to kill him in retaliation.
    • "Sign of the Ram", from the final season, involves a boxing-related murder and, of all things, astrology.
  • Bratty Teenage Daughter: Annie Carter in "Image of Fear." Spoilered because she isn't revealed as this until the third act — in fact, she turns out to be The Chessmaster.
  • Busman's Holiday: Danny has one without even leaving Honolulu in "Double Exposure" - which takes identify on his day off.
  • Cartwright Curse: If y'all get into a human relationship with Dan Williams or Steve McGarrett, don't expect it to last.
  • Catchphrase: "Book 'em, Danno." Also played straight in later episodes with scenes on the mainland.
  • Chekhov'due south Boomerang: "Ane Large Happy Family" In this case. Information technology'southward more similar Chekhov's Telephone Book Cover; the only criminal offence Monica Ferguson is commits is stealing a telephone book cover from the hotel the family unit's staying at. It gets them caught.
  • Chick Magnet: McGarrett.
  • The Chessmaster: The team frequently maneuver baddies into confessions by insanely complex plots, conceptualize traps and seem to walk into them, only to reveal backups (and record recorders) in place right when the baddies inevitably tell all before shooting, etc. Instance, Flavour 4 "Expert Nighttime Babe, Time To Die!": a adult female who is frightened considering her framed swain is said to exist escaped from prison and coming for her, and so she starts confessing to crimes (the framed prisoner is not actually loose; he's doing it all under 5-O supervision in order to exist absolved.) Bad guys sometimes seem like Chessmasters, but of course their insanely complex plots always come up a cropper later inexplainable the squad for about 40 minutes. Sort of exception: although Wo Fatty's scheme in "The Xc-Second War" is counteracted, information technology'southward done and so in a way that he thinks it worked. Similarly in "Murder- Eyes Merely" Wo Fatty escapes with what he thinks is what he's subsequently.
  • Chewing the Scenery: Cal Bellini goes manner, manner over the pinnacle every bit a revolutionary in "Vox of Terror."
    • Too, Seth Sakai proves in "Double Exposure" that you can overact via eating pieces of pineapple.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Dr. Ames' mistress Lisa has a huge case of this in "Labyrinth." Lisa double-crosses both her partners in the scheme, Dr. Ames (drugged) and the chauffeur (diddled upward).
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Kono, Danno and Jenny. Sadly averted with Chin Ho.
  • Circus Episode: "Presenting—In the Center Ring...Murder", in which Wo Fat enlists the aid of two brothers who are acrobats to carry out a hit on a visiting dignitary.
  • Clear My Name: On a number of occasions, nearly notably with McGarrett in "Man in a Steel Frame."
  • Crazy-Prepared: Addison Barlow in "Invitation to Murder."
  • Creator Cameo:
    • One of the series' directors, Charles South. Dubin, played an apartment manager in the fifth-season episode "A Bullet For El Diablo", directed by Allen Reisner. Conversely, Reisner played the [1] in some other fifth-season episode, "Anybody Can Build a Bomb", directed by Dubin.
    • Sutton Roley, who directed the episode "A Capitol Crime", has a cameo in the episode as Judge Thorwald.
    • Richard Bridegroom, who directed several episodes (including the premiere "Full Fathom Five") appeared every bit a bartender in some other early on episode, "By the Numbers".
    • Lawrence Dobkin, who appeared in the episode "The Year of the Equus caballus", directed another episode from the aforementioned season, "The Miracle Human".
  • Daddy'southward Petty Villain: "Yes, My Deadly Girl."
  • A Day in the Limelight:
    • Dan Williams takes accuse in "For a Million... Why Not?" and "Charter for Death" when McGarrett is sidelined by a trial and quarantine respectively (although he still appears in both episodes). "Cry, Lie," meanwhile, is a rare episode to focus on Chin Ho.
    • Danny also takes charge in episodes where McGarrett is critically injured, such as "Yesterday Died and Tomorrow Won't Be Built-in" (McGarrett is critically wounded by an assassinator), "Blind Tiger" and "Force of Waves" (McGarrett was critically injured by bombs in both of those episodes).
  • Dead Person Impersonation: "Why Won't Linda Die?"
  • Decease by Cameo: Theme song composer Morton Stevens played a jazz drummer (and the starting time on-screen victim of the poisoned cocaine sloating effectually) in the third flavor episode "Problem in Mind".
  • Expiry of a Kid:
    • "The Listener": A psychiatrist is targeted past a human who's bugged not only his domicile but his office — the villain averts Even Evil Has Standards past among other things playing a young boy a taped conversation betwixt the dr. and the boy'southward mother, where she reveals he has a fatal brain tumour. The doctor tells the boy the tumour is shrinking... and subsequently tells McGarrett that the boy really is dying.
    • The two-parter "Once Upon a Fourth dimension": McGarrett'due south sister is in thrall to a quack medico who claims she can cure her baby, who has cancer. The kid passes abroad long before the end of function one.
  • Destination Defenestration: "I'll Kill 'Em Once more" and "Stringer."
  • Disco: With a vengeance in the season eleven two-parter "Number I With a Bullet," thank you to the plot involving mob activity around a discotheque.
  • Muddy Cop: HPD Sgt. Dean Lyman in "Right Grave, Incorrect Body". Some time before the events in this episode, Lyman got into a shoot-out with a robber that stole a quarter of a million dollars, killed him, hid the body and took the coin. All of this comes to calorie-free when an armed robbery and murder is committed with the dead robber's gun, which made information technology into the hands of some other crook.
  • Disposable Woman: In "Beautiful Screamer" and "Human in a Steel Frame" Dan's girlfriend in the former, McGarrett's girlfriend in the latter. They're only at that place to be murdered.
  • Distinguished Admirer'south Pipage: Chin Ho on occasion.
  • Downer Ending:
    • In "To Kill or Exist Killed", a soldier on leave from The Vietnam War falls to his decease, and his brother (suspected of being involved) is bidding to avoid the typhoon and flee to "Trudeau turf" (allonym Canada) considering while he's willing to fight he doesn't believe this particular war is justified, to the disgust of his father — a armed forces man. It turns out that the soldier committed suicide because he couldn't face up returning to what he also felt was an unjust war; not only is the would-exist typhoon-dodger caught, but his begetter disowns him by proverb "And then I have 2 dead sons."
  • Driven to Suicide: "Upwardly Tight," "To Kill or Be Killed," "Expiry With Begetter," "Is This Any Mode To Run A Paradise?", "I'll Kill 'Em Once more." The beginning of "Invitation to Murder," and "Small Potatoes." "One Born Every Minute" and "Murder Is A Taxing Affair." Dominick Vashon in "5 for Vashon: The Patriarch."
  • Wearisome Surprise: Some of the invitee players...and a frequent offender among the regulars, Jack Lord.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: Chin Ho, after beingness revealed as a Five-O plant, immediately slugs the leader in the face and and then attacks the other two thugs. While he's ultimately unsuccessful at trying to escape, and the leader mocks him at what he did beingness a mistake, he replies that it was worth it and he doesn't retrieve he has much left to lose. Sadly, he's right. Likewise Kert in "Thanks For The Honeymoon" when he gets the cyanide away from his new married woman - he's breathed in too much past that point, but he does manage to save his soon-to-be widow. Run into Bittersweet Ending in a higher place for another example.
  • Eager Rookie: Sandi Welles, a rookie officeholder who debuts in season 9, is this to a T. Eager to get involved in the cases she's assigned, she gets a piffling foolhardy and places her own life in serious danger multiple times.
  • "Everybody Laughs" Ending: "Murder - Eyes Only" as McGarrett, Commander Wallace and an exonerated Lt. Waldron celebrating their triumph over Wo Fat. He's escaped once more, but McGarrett prepared for this by planting without Wallace'south knowledge, phony coordinates that will atomic number 82 Wo Fat non to the downed satellite which is up for grabs, rather to somewhere in downtown Shanghai. and "The Bark and the Seize with teeth" in keeping with its Lighter and Softer tone, McGarrett having failed to persuade a determined animal control official to let him off off the use of a dog to solve this calendar week'due south case, problems this control, "Book me, Danno!" while sporting a huge smile.
  • Everybody Lives:
    • "A Impact of Guilt". The plot involves a waitress who's raped past three college football players and stabs one of them — he survives, and does hold the other 2 at gunpoint in the climax, merely she doesn't shoot.
    • "The Last of the Neat Paperhangers" is not only an Everybody Lives episode, but also has no violence at all.
    • "Tread the Rex's Shadow" goes fifty-fifty farther with no violence and not fifty-fifty whatever crime. The daughter of a wealthy haole and the poor native boy run off — her racist dad wants her dorsum. They get married, and she'll exist having the guy'south kid.
  • Everything Is Online: Otherwise there wouldn't be the episode "Estimator Killer."
  • Evil Cripple: The villain in "Target - A Cop." Not to mention the title character in "Hookman."
  • Evil Laugh: A Tony Alika specialty, see "Stringer" and "A Lion In the Streets."
  • Evil Has Standards: Sadie Ferguson in "Big Happy Family" doesn't countenance her daughter being hit by her brother. She doesn't accept a trouble with her son and husband killing strangers for coin. But her girl-in-law Rosalie's Really Gets Effectually tendencies although Rosalie rebuffs the laissez passer the dad makes at her.
  • Explain, Explicate... Oh, Crap!: Agnes du Bois has one of these moments in "Horoscope for Murder," when she and friend/young man astrologer Mel Burgess are discussing the suicide of Rick Makulu, who looks similar he was to Driven to Suicide after the serial killings. Then Agnes realises she's lone in a room with the murderer...
  • External Combustion: "Blind Tiger". It temporarily blinds McGarrett.
  • Evil Brit: Savage in "A Gun For McGarrett." And Marni Howard.
  • Faked Kidnapping: In "Tiger By the Tail", lounge singer Bobby George, with the help of his 2 buddies, fakes his kidnapping to sock it to his father. The two friends plow it into a real kidnapping with a real bribe demand.
  • Fan Disservice: "The Box" opens with a shower scene in prison. Not so bad y'all say? Big Chicken'southward taking the shower.
  • Fanfare: The iconic theme music.
  • Fanservice: It's a bear witness set in Hawaii. What practise you remember? (Not to the extent of the new prove, heed y'all.) Although the directors can be drawn to some of the female person guest stars — witness the loving shots of Kathleen (billed equally Kathy) Beller in "The Waterfront Steal" — and nearly of Simone Griffeth's camera fourth dimension in "A Very Personal Matter" screams this trope. Season 12'south "The Kahuna" provides a rare case of equal opportunity fanservice with Kimo and a Hot Scientist played by Cathy Lee Crosby stripping down to skivvies to go diving while looking into mysterious deaths. And they don't waste whatever time getting Maud Adams into a skimpy bikini when she turns up in "Deep Cover" equally a Femme Fatale Spy after tech info for the KGB. Susan Dey spends a skillful bargain of "Target — The Lady" in Bare Your Midriff mode.
  • Fiery Redhead: Liana Labella in "My Friend, The Enemy."
  • Last Season Casting: While Zulu (the original Kono) left the show in 1972, James MacArthur and Kam Fong hung around until 1979, with William Smith (as Kimo), Sharon Farrell (as Lori) and Moe Keale (every bit Truck) as the new regulars.
  • Forensic Drama: It wasn't primarily this, but Che Fong showed upward an atrocious lot. Equally did the oft forgotten Doc Bergman, the coroner.
  • Forgotten Theme Tune Lyrics: The song has lyrics.

    If you're feeling lone
    You tin come with me
    Experience my arms around you
    Lay beside the bounding main
    We will remember of something to do
    Exercise it 'til it'southward perfect for you lot
    And for me too
    You can come with me!

  • Gambit Roulette: "A Capitol Crime" - Mary Beth's program to keep her mobster boyfriend from existence extradited to Chicago involves her crashing a hostage situation (the episode's master plot) conveniently taking place as Danny and colleagues are taking the mobster to the aerodrome. So what was her plan B...?
  • Good Job Breaking It Hero: McGarrett gets a huge one in "Bait Once, Bait Twice" when he tries to talk within a woman who'southward Driven to Suicide (Well, how was he supposed to know it was all part of a plan to flush out a witness in protective custody so the witness (the adult female'due south fiancé) tin be killed by a sniper? By the way, she survives the episode.)
  • Heel–Face Turn: Rosalie turns on the Fergusons in the denouement of "1 Big Happy Family.". Having had just about enough of her mother-in-law'southward contempt for her and them not letting her exercise her own thing.
  • Hidden Depths: Of all people, Wo Fat in "And a Fourth dimension to Die...". Information technology'southward heavily implied that he lost his family long ago during uprisings in China, and he actually didn't want to kill the girl he'd taken hostage, of whom he was surprisingly kind and forrard with. The trouble was, co-ordinate to him, is that to be taken seriously on both sides he had to alive upward to his give-and-take, then he would take had her killed if her begetter didn't practise as he'd asked. That was the only episode that showed Wo Fat equally still someone human being and not a Card-Carrying Villain.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: In "9, X, You're Dead," a old boxer shatters the hand of a novice to go along him from ruining his wellness and life, causing the mobster bankroll the young boxer to put out a striking on the older man. A hitman arrives... and takes out the mobster, as his bosses felt he was out of control. The former boxer is left unharmed, because the hitman assures him he doesn't impale anyone without getting paid for information technology.
  • Claw Hand: The villain in "Hookman", equally played by real-life double-amputee J. J. Armes.
  • How Nosotros Got Here: "Nine Dragons".
  • Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: "Though the Heavens Fall."
  • Idiot Ball: Held tightly by Kimo and Lori in "Though the Heavens Autumn" Sent to keep Meredith Howell safe when Five-O (correctly) suspect that Mr. Howell is the adjacent target of a Vigilante Militia and just sit down exterior....even though there's rear access and they could have stayed indoors. So Howell is kidnapped correct under their noses
  • Information technology'southward Personal: "Once Upon a Fourth dimension", in which McGarrett is determined to take downward fraudulent doctor C.Fifty. Fremont after what happened to his sister'south child.
  • Jerkass: MdGrant Ormsbee in "The Defector" and "To Impale a Listen."
  • Joker Jury
  • Jurisdiction Friction: McGarrett arrests Jack Fabian for the murder of an HPD cop, only Federal Amanuensis Al Marsh wants Fabian to plough evidence against the Syndicate and is willing to offer him immunity from prosecution.
  • Killed Off for Real: Mentum Ho.
  • Large and in Charge: Big Chicken, played by pre-WJM/pre-Pacific Princess Gavin MacLeod.
  • Lighter and Softer: While had a reputation for being straight-laced and serious, but do the odd lighter episode - simply "The Bark and The Bite" was the just full-on comic episode; with the Lewis Avery Filer episodes (and the 1 with Suspiciously Similar Substitute M. Bordeaux), "Welcome To Our Branch Office" and "The Concluding of the Great Paperhangers" having a lighter bear on than usual but non actually played for farce.
  • Long Runner: Let'south put it this fashion, Hawaii V-O is the only scripted, prime-time U.S. series to accept debuted during the 1960s and fabricated it all the fashion to the 1980s.
  • Made of Iron: McGarrett. As the serial went on the script writers actually had some fun with Lampshade Hanging. One episode has a would-be killer burn down at McGarrett several times with no effect until she screams, "What are you made of!?" McGarrett's response? Information technology's not him but the bullets, which were blanks.
  • Manchurian Agent: Wo Fatty's spy ring makes use of them in "A Bullet for McGarrett".
  • Master of Disguise: Lewis Avery Filer.
  • Master Forger: One instance involves a human being who was a professional counterfeiter for the mob in his youth, before he faked his expiry to escape the lifestyle. Now a happy retiree, he learns that his facility is going bankrupt. Attempting to save it, he unearths two steel printing plates for $20 bills that he'd made in his younger days. One of his "test" printings is only detected because a depository financial institution has a policy of checking older bills with specialised reckoner-assisted imagine scanning. Unfortunately, the teller informs a news crew about this, which alerts the human being's old mob dominate that his lackey is live and well. The man's friends are held hostage while two thugs coerce the man into printing more than false $20s.
  • Multilayer Façade: "Highest Castle, Deepest Grave."
  • Obvious Stunt Double:
    • For Jack Lord and Walt Davis in the crane chase climax of "The Skyline Killer" (Davis plays "The Killer"). Indeed, the doubles are so obvious that Walt Robles and Chuck Couch get separate billing in the end credits.
    • For the final fight of the entire serial information technology'south blatantly obvious that Lord and Keigh Dheigh are using doubles for the big McGarrett vs. Wo Fat battle. It might have helped if Dheigh'south stuntman had had a moustache...
  • Omniscient Database: An early on example, perhaps the first for cop shows. The Honolulu Constabulary Department computer was frequently chosen upon for data, sometimes for things that in real life weren't available in digital format until the 1990s or afterwards.
  • I-Word Championship: "Paniolo" (which is Hawaiian for 'Grandad') and "Per centum".
  • Ooh, Me Accent'southward Slipping: Albert Paulsen's Ecuadorian accent shows upwards quite a bit equally gangster Edmonds in "9, Ten - You're Dead." Australian Murray Matheson's British accent wavers a tad as Lord Charles Danby in "Termination with Farthermost Prejudice."
  • Pilot Movie: While the pilot moving picture has the same name equally the series, it runs in two parts in syndication as ''Cocoon" (with the standard opening title sequence inverse to remove the shot of James MacArthur, every bit he didn't play Dan in the pilot).
  • Pre-Mortem 1-Liner: A hitman disguised every bit a doctor to his hospitalized target in "Death with Father":

    Hitman: Time for your shot.
    Patient: What shot?
    Hitman: This one. [kills him with a silencer-equipped gun]

  • Prison Episode:
    • "The Box", from the first season, where McGarrett visits Oahu Country Prison house, merely to be held hostage during a prison riot by Big Chicken, whom he put in prison earlier in the season, in the episode "...And They Painted Daisies On His Bury"
    • "The Double Wall", from the third flavour, where a prisoner, who claims he's innocent of the murder charge that sent him to prison, holds a prison house doctor hostage to force McGarrett into re-opening his case.
    • "The Case Against McGarrett" from 1975, finds McGarrett held hostage in prison, this fourth dimension put on trial by Honore Vashon (Harold Gould) for the murder of Vashon's son Chris (in "V For Vashon: The Son", from 1972).
  • Product Placement: If a aeroplane is seen flying or landing in/leaving Hawaii, more often than not it'll be one of the United Airlines fleet.
  • Pulled from Your Day Off: Happens a lot to McGarrett.
  • "Ray of Hope" Catastrophe: "Once Upon A Fourth dimension, Office II" McGarrett'due south failed in his desire to have Dr. Fremont with charged with murder, but he and the FDA's Zipser have publicly unmasked her as a fraud - and McGarrett's relationship with his sis (who was one of Fremont's devoted followers) is starting to heal.
  • Reality Is Unrealistic: V-O is supposed to be an elite unit of the Hawaii State Police. The closest thing Hawaii has to a country law is the Sheriffs Sectionalization within the State Department of Public Safety, and they're limited to specific duties such as interim as procedure servers and providing security at country facilities.
  • Really Gets Around: Walter in "Chain Of Events." He winds upward giving syphilis to a girl who does volunteer work for a senatorial candidate. The girl ends up giving information technology to the politico... who ends up giving it to his wife.
  • Recycled Premise: Season 2's "50 Feet High and It Kills!" and season 10's "Tsunami" both involve a scheme to comport out a tsunami hoax to embrace up a offense.
  • Re-Release Soundtrack:
    • The music from Saturday Night Fever that's used in "Number One with a Bullet" is notably absent from the streaming versions.
    • "The Execution File" is stripped of its Embrace Version of "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?" on the DVD.
  • Rogues Gallery: Wo Fat; Tony Alika; Honore Vashon; Lewis Avery Filer; Large Craven.
  • Scenery Porn: Yes.
  • Sequel Episode:
    • "The Bomber And Mrs. Moroney" features the brother of the boy Danno seemed to have killed in "...And They Painted Daisies On His Coffin," seeking revenge. He didn't do it.
    • "The Example Against McGarrett" picks up where the iii-parter "V For Vashon" left off, with Honore Vashon and other convicts putting Steve on trial.
    • "The Spirit is Willie" sees author (and the Governor's friend) Millicent Shand render following the events of "Frozen Assets" as she suspects her niece'southward fiancé has faked his expiry in a scheme with a fake psychic to go the niece's coin. She's mostly right. Except for the bit with the fiancé.
  • Serial Killer: "One for the Money", "I'll Kill 'Em Again", "Midweek, Ladies Costless" and others.
  • Series Continuity Error: Chin Ho'south oldest girl is called Alia in "Engaged to Be Buried", but in "A Decease in the Family unit" she's Suzy.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Lori Wilson is the only female regular in all twelve seasons... and she didn't arrive until the final flavor (and but appeared in 10 episodes at that, disappearing before the Serial Finale "Woe To Wo Fat").
  • Spell My Name with an "S": In the end credits for "Face of the Dragon," guest star Nancy Kovack is billed as Nancy Kovak.
  • Split Personality: In "Bomb, Bomb, Who'due south Got The Bomb?", a senator is being terrorized by a bomber. Unknowingly, he's the bomber — because he accidentally shot and killed his ain male parent as a boy and has never forgiven himself. Also the reply to the question "Why Won't Linda Dice?".
  • Suspiciously Like Substitute:
    • Monsieur Bordeaux in "xxx,000 Rooms and I Have the Key" for Lewis Avery Filer. Both characters came from the same writer, and the 3 episodes — Mr. Filer was in "Over Fifty? Steal" and "Odd Man In" — fifty-fifty share music ("Over Fifty? Steal" has an original score by Morton Stevens, the other two have tracked music).
    • "The Sign of the Ram" literally has Jessica Humboldt continuing in "Horoscope for Murder"'s Agnes Du Bois (They've traded practices, and then she'south in Albuquerque).
  • Syndication Title: McGarrett
  • Taking You with Me: "Death with Male parent".
  • The Teaser
  • Boob tube Geography: Mostly subverted, since most of the serial was filmed on location in Hawaii, and locations were rarely specific plenty to reveal obvious mistakes to most viewers.
  • Temporary Blindness: McGarrett in "Blind Tiger", when an assassination effort failed to kill him.
  • Ten Lilliputian Murder Victims: "Invitation to Murder," with a deceased artist's family, who hated him, seemingly killing each other to get his estate. They aren't. The will states that who's still live after a year gets everything. The killer is... The tardily artist. He hated them as well, and arranged it and then all just one of them would be murdered, with the remaining ane framed for all the other killings. McGarrett figures information technology out before the remaining family members kick it.
  • There Are No Coincidences: Defied in "Total Fathom Five". V-O are pressured past an attorney into looking for a missing woman, and in the procedure of their investigation notice a husband-and-wife team swindling and then murdering unmarried women or widows who are rich. The original missing woman is truly a coincidence resolved in the start 20 minutes - she got tired of being rich and beingness pushed around by the lawyer, so she joined a district. She just happened to fit the blueprint of the other women who had disappeared and has no other bearing on the plot.
  • Title Driblet:
    • "Strangers In Our Own Land," "1 for the Money," "Only Lucky, I Estimate," "A Bullet for McGarrett," "Why Wait Till Uncle Kevin Dies?" and "The Concluding of the Bang-up Paperhangers" all work their respective episode titles into the dialogue.
    • "Nine Dragons" not only has a title drop - it'due south the proper noun of the island in Hong Kong where the action's set in AND the proper name of the triad gang Wo Fat runs.
    • A visual, instead of verbal 1 in the Vashon trilogy - Chris Vashon punches the letter V on people'south faces with his custom signet ring.
  • Championship Sequence:
    • The opening titles are legendary.
    • The canoe-paddling stop credits bit (introduced in Flavor 2; the showtime season has a flashing law lite) is also very well known.
  • Truth in Television set: When August March (the Big Bad in "Wooden Model Of A Rat") is held and gunpoint and told to reliquish his weapon, he puts his gun in the floor slowly and carefully. Casually tossing aside a loaded weapon in standard motion-picture show/TV fashion is a slap-up manner to ensure it discharges on landing and possibly shooting yourself.
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: played for tragedy in "Diary Of a Gun."the gun of the title, part of shipment of Saturday Night Specials that McGarrett and the team are trying to fissure down on; which a street tough used to shoot a tourist and dumped in a mailbox earlier the police caught him; the post carrier on that route finds the gun when he mpties the box - and he keeps the gun. When he gets abode he finds his wife getting dolled up to go out.... it'due south strongly implied that she'due south making extra money via The Oldest Profession. He follows his wife to a hotel, finds her with a football player. He ends upwardly killing both of them.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Subverted in "The Miracle Man" When the Reverend Andy is tricked into dissemination to his waiting audience that he'southward been taking his faithful for all he can get - equally well as sleeping with assorted bonny Sisters of his crusade; information technology'south a subversion considering he's not guilty of whatever crimes in the eyes of the law. But at present anybody knows what Sis Harmony learned - "(he'due south) a liar, and a hypocrite!" Reverend Andy goes to pieces as the audience walks out the auditorium.
  • "Well Done, Son!" Guy: Elliot Bancroft in "Use a Gun, Become to Hell" actually wants his dad to be proud of him. Shooting and killing a senator in favour of strict gun command annotation which his dad is very isn't , and throwing the gun abroad probably wasn't the best way to practise it - since it leads to all the trouble in the episode.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The ii-hour pilot,(which has an intro plumbing fixtures its TV film condition) is shown in syndication as a ii-parter titled "Cocoon", has Nancy Kwan playing Rosemary Quong, a mildly hippie grad educatee with a penchant for miniskirts. Kwan gets 2nd billing in the opening titles, right after Jack Lord, and they have several scenes together, including a beachfront cookout, playing upward the contrast betwixt the free-spirited Rosemary and the buttoned-down direct-laced McGarrett. The ending suggests that Rosemary is going to exist McGarrett'due south recurring love interest. She's never seen again.
  • Yellow Peril: McGarrett's Chinese nemesis, Wo Fat.
  • Zeerust: Quillan's mention of the shilling in "Murder With a Gold Touch" from 1974 (i.e. three years later the Great britain had decimalised its currency. In fairness, many Brits had difficulty getting their heads around the new coinage.)

McGarrett: [to the villains at the terminate of "3,000 Kleptomaniacal Miles to Honolulu"] Aloha. Aloha, suckers!


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/HawaiiFiveO

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